HSK 5 Vocabulary List [HSK 3.0]

Below you can find a list of all HSK 5 vocabularies for HSK 3.0 which was launched in 2021


岸 (àn) Noun: shore, beach, coast
按摩 (àn mó) Noun: massage
Verb: to massage
岸上 (àn shàng) Location: ashore
安慰 (ān wèi) Noun: comfort, consolation
Verb: to comfort, to console


拔 (bá) Verb: to pull out, to pick
拜访 (bài fǎng) Verb: to pay a visit, to call on
白酒 (bái jiǔ) Noun: distilled spirit, white wine
版 (bǎn) Noun: version, edition
扮演 (bàn yǎn) Verb: to play the role of, to act
棒 (bàng) Noun: stick, club
Adjective: strong, capable, good
Measure Word: for legs of relay race
报答 (bào dá) Verb: to pay back, to repay
报警 (bào jǐng) Verb: to give a warning
包围 (bāo wéi) Verb: to surround, to encircle
保卫 (bǎo wèi) Verb: to defend, to safeguard
保养 (bǎo yǎng) Noun: maintenance
Verb: to maintain, to take care of one's health
抱怨 (bào yuàn) Verb: to complain, to grumble
包装 (bāo zhuāng) Noun: package
Verb: to pack
辈 (bèi) Noun: generation, lifetime
背包 (bēi bāo) Noun: backpack
被动 (bèi dòng) Adjective: passive
北极 (běi jí) Location: north pole
悲剧 (bēi jù) Noun: tragedy
悲伤 (bēi shāng) Noun: sorrow
Adjective: sad, sorrowful
本人 (běn rén) Pronoun: I, myself
Adverb: oneself, personal
必 (bì) Auxiliary Verb: must, will
Adjective: certainly, necessarily
彼此 (bǐ cǐ) Pronoun: each other, one another
比方 (bǐ fang) Noun: analogy, instance
毕竟 (bì jìng) Adverb: after all, in the end
闭幕 (bì mù) Verb: to lower the curtain, to come to an end (meeting, presentation, etc.)
闭幕式 (bì mù shì) Noun: closing ceremony
必需 (bì xū) Verb: to really need, to be essential
Auxiliary Verb: must
比重 (bǐ zhòng) Noun: proportion, specific weight
鼻子 (bí zi) Noun: nose
变动 (biàn dòng) Verb: to change, to alter
编辑 (biān jí) Verb: to edit, to compile
编辑 (biān jí) Noun: editor, compiler
边境 (biān jìng) Noun: border, frontier
便利 (biàn lì) Adjective: convenient, easy
便条 (biàn tiáo) Noun: (informal) note
便于 (biàn yú) Adjective: easy, convenient
宾馆 (bīn guǎn) Noun: hotel
饼 (bǐng) Noun: round flat cake, cookie, cake
病毒 (bìng dú) Noun: virus
饼干 (bǐng gān) Noun: biscuit, cookie
博客 (bó kè) Noun: blog
博览会 (bó lǎn huì) Noun: exhibition, international fair
玻璃 (bō li) Noun: glass
薄弱 (bó ruò) Adjective: weak, frail
博士 (bó shì) Noun: doctor, Ph.D.
博物馆 (bó wù guǎn) Noun: museum
不曾 (bù céng) Adverb: never
补偿 (bǔ cháng) Noun: compensation
Verb: to compensate, to make up
不得了 (bù dé liǎo) Adjective: disastrous, terrible
Adverb: extremely, terribly
不敢当 (bù gǎn dāng) Expression: you flatter me!
不顾 (bú gù) Verb: to ignore, to disregard
Adverb: in spite of, regardless of
不利 (bú lì) Adjective: unfavourable, disadvantageous
不良 (bù liáng) Adjective: bad
不免 (bù miǎn) Adverb: inevitably
不耐烦 (bú nài fán) Noun: impatience
Adjective: impatient
不能不 (bù néng bù) Auxiliary Verb: have to
不时 (bù shí) Adverb: now and then, from time to time
补贴 (bǔ tiē) Noun: subsidy, allowance
不停 (bù tíng) Adjective: incessant, diligent
部位 (bù wèi) Noun: position, place, section
不幸 (bú xìng) Noun: misfortune
Adjective: unfortunate
Adverb: unfortunately
不许 (bù xǔ) Verb: be not allowed, must not
不易 (bù yì) Adjective: difficult, not easy
不止 (bù zhǐ) Adverb: without end, more than, not limited to
不足 (bù zú) Noun: shortcomings
Adjective: insufficient, not enough

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猜 (cāi) Verb: to guess
猜测 (cāi cè) Verb: to guess, to surmise
采购 (cǎi gòu) Verb: to procure, to purchase
裁判 (cái pàn) Noun: judgment, referee, judge, umpire
Verb: to act as referee
彩票 (cǎi piào) Noun: lottery, lottery ticket
餐馆 (cān guǎn) Noun: restaurant
餐厅 (cān tīng) Noun: restaurant
餐饮 (cān yǐn) Noun: catering, food and drink
草原 (cǎo yuán) Noun: grassland
册 (cè) Noun: book, booklet
Measure Word: for books
层次 (céng cì) Noun: arrangement of ideas, administrative level
插 (chā) Verb: to insert, to stick in
叉 (chā) Noun: fork
差别 (chā bié) Noun: difference
差点儿 (chà diǎn er) Adverb: almost, off a little bit
差距 (chā jù) Noun: disparity, gap, difference
查询 (chá xún) Verb: to check, to inquire
叉子 (chā zi) Noun: fork
拆 (chāi) Verb: open, tear down
拆除 (chāi chú) Verb: to tear down, to demolish
产业 (chǎn yè) Noun: industry, property
Adjective: industrial
肠 (cháng) Noun: intestines
尝 (cháng) Verb: to taste
Adverb: once
倡导 (chàng dǎo) Verb: to initiate, to advocate
长度 (cháng dù) Noun: length
场面 (chǎng miàn) Noun: scene, occasion
尝试 (cháng shì) Noun: try, attempt
Verb: to try, to attempt
长寿 (cháng shòu) Noun: longevity
Adjective: long lived
厂长 (chǎng zhǎng) Noun: factory director
超越 (chāo yuè) Verb: to surpass, to exceed
车主 (chē zhǔ) Noun: vehicle owner
称 (chēng) Verb: to name, to state
乘 (chéng) Verb: to ride on, to multiply
承办 (chéng bàn) Verb: to undertake, to accept a contract
成本 (chéng běn) Noun: costs (production, etc.)
乘车 (chéng chē) Verb: to ride, to take (bus, train, etc.)
称号 (chēng hào) Noun: title, term of address
成交 (chéng jiāo) Verb: to reach a deal, to complete a contract
乘客 (chéng kè) Noun: passenger
城里 (chéng lǐ) Location: in the city
成效 (chéng xiào) Noun: effect, result
成语 (chéng yǔ) Noun: idiom, proverb
乘坐 (chéng zuò) Verb: to ride (in a vehicle)
迟 (chí) Adjective: late, delayed
吃力 (chī lì) Adjective: strenuous, requiring effort
池子 (chí zi) Noun: pond
冲动 (chōng dòng) Noun: impulse
冲突 (chōng tū) Noun: conflict, clash
Verb: to conflict, to clash
充足 (chōng zú) Adjective: adequate, sufficient, abundant
愁 (chóu) Verb: to worry about
丑 (chǒu) Noun: clown
Adjective: ugly, bad-looking
臭 (chòu) Adjective: smelly
出版 (chū bǎn) Verb: to publish
出差 (chū chāi) Verb: to go on a business trip
处罚 (chǔ fá) Verb: to penalize, to punish
厨房 (chú fáng) Noun: kitchen
除非 (chú fēi) Conjunction: only if, unless
处分 (chǔ fèn) Noun: punishment
Verb: to punish, to discipline
出汗 (chū hàn) Verb: to sweat
初期 (chū qī) Noun: initial stage
除夕 (chú xī) Noun: New Year's Eve
出于 (chū yú) Adverb: due to
处在 (chǔ zài) Verb: to find oneself at
传达 (chuán dá) Verb: to pass on, to transmit
传递 (chuán dì) Verb: to pass on to, to transfer
传真 (chuán zhēn) Noun: fax
闯 (chuǎng) Verb: to rush, to break through, to charge
创立 (chuàng lì) Verb: to found, to establish
窗帘 (chuāng lián) Noun: window curtains
辞典 (cí diǎn) Noun: dictionary
此后 (cǐ hòu) Adverb: after this, afterwards, hereafter
此刻 (cǐ kè) Time: this moment, now
此时 (cǐ shí) Time: now, this moment
辞职 (cí zhí) Verb: to resign
从而 (cóng ér) Conjunction: thus, thereby
聪明 (cōng ming) Adjective: clever, intelligent, smart
从中 (cóng zhōng) Adverb: from, therefrom
脆 (cuì) Adjective: crispy
寸 (cùn) Noun: inch, thumb
存款 (cún kuǎn) Noun: bank deposit
Verb: to save money

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答 (dá) Noun: reply, answer
打 (dǎ) Adverb: since, from
打扮 (dǎ ban) Verb: to decorate, to dress up
打包 (dǎ bāo) Verb: to pack, to wrap
达成 (dá chéng) Verb: to reach (agreement), to accomplish
大胆 (dà dǎn) Adjective: bold, daring, fearless
大都 (dà dōu) Adverb: for the most part, on the whole
答复 (dá fù) Verb: to answer, to reply
大纲 (dà gāng) Noun: leading principles, syllabus
大伙儿 (dà huǒ er) Pronoun: everyone, all of us
打击 (dǎ jī) Noun: blow, hit
Verb: to strike, to hit, to attack
打架 (dǎ jià) Noun: fight, fistfight
Verb: to fight, to scuffle
大奖赛 (dà jiǎng sài) Noun: Grand Prix
大脑 (dà nǎo) Noun: brain, cerebrum
打扰 (dǎ rǎo) Verb: to disturb
大事 (dà shì) Noun: important task/issue
大厅 (dà tīng) Noun: hall, lounge
大象 (dà xiàng) Noun: elephant
大熊猫 (dà xióng māo) Noun: giant panda
大于 (dà yú) Adverb: greater than, bigger than
大致 (dà zhì) Adverb: roughly, more or less
呆 (dāi) Verb: to stay
Adjective: dull, foolish, stupid
待 (dāi) Verb: to stay
代价 (dài jià) Noun: price, cost
贷款 (dài kuǎn) Noun: loan
Verb: to provide a loan
代理 (dài lǐ) Noun: agency, representation
Verb: to act on behalf of, to represent
带有 (dài yǒu) Verb: to have, to involve
胆 (dǎn) Noun: gall bladder
蛋糕 (dàn gāo) Noun: cake
胆小 (dǎn xiǎo) Adjective: timid
单一 (dān yī) Adverb: single, only, sole
挡 (dǎng) Verb: to block, to hinder, to obstruct
当场 (dāng chǎng) Adverb: on the spot, at the scene
当代 (dāng dài) Time: present, nowadays
当年 (dāng nián) Time: then, in those days
当前 (dāng qián) Time: current, present
当选 (dāng xuǎn) Verb: to be elected, to win an election
道德 (dào dé) Noun: morality, ethics
到来 (dào lái) Noun: arrival
Verb: to arrive
倒是 (dào shì) Adverb: actually, contrary to expectation
得了 (dé le) Expression: all right! that's enough!
得以 (dé yǐ) Verb: so that sbd./sth. can ...
等候 (děng hòu) Verb: to wait
等级 (děng jí) Noun: grade, rank
递 (dì) Verb: to pass, to hand over
地带 (dì dài) Noun: zone, region, area
递给 (dì gěi) Verb: to give, to hand over
地形 (dì xíng) Noun: topography, terrain
低于 (dī yú) Verb: to be lower than
地震 (dì zhèn) Noun: earthquake
电池 (diàn chí) Noun: battery, electric cell
电饭锅 (diàn fàn guō) Noun: electric rice cooker
典礼 (diǎn lǐ) Noun: celebration, ceremony
点燃 (diǎn rán) Verb: to ignite, to set on fire
电子版 (diàn zǐ bǎn) Noun: electronic version
调动 (diào dòng) Verb: to transfer, to manoeuvre (troops, etc.)
丢 (diū) Verb: to lose, to throw
冻 (dòng) Noun: jelly
Verb: to freeze, to feel very cold
洞 (dòng) Noun: cave, hole
动机 (dòng jī) Noun: motive, intention, motivation
动手 (dòng shǒu) Verb: to start work, to begin, to hit with hands
动态 (dòng tài) Noun: developments, trends
动员 (dòng yuán) Noun: mobilization
Verb: to mobilize, to arouse
豆制品 (dòu zhì pǐn) Noun: bean/soy products
毒 (dú) Noun: poison, narcotics
堆 (duī) Noun: pile, stack, heap
Measure Word: for piles of things
对立 (duì lì) Verb: to oppose
Adjective: opposite, opposing
对应 (duì yìng) Verb: to correspond
Adjective: corresponding, homologous
吨 (dūn) Measure Word: for a ton
朵 (duǒ) Measure Word: for flowers, clouds, etc.
躲 (duǒ) Verb: to hide, to avoid


耳朵 (ěr duo) Noun: ear
儿女 (ér nǚ) Noun: children, sons and daughters
二维码 (èr wéi mǎ) Noun: QR code


罚 (fá) Verb: to punish, to penalize
发布 (fā bù) Verb: to release, to issue
法规 (fǎ guī) Noun: legislation, statute
发觉 (fā jué) Verb: to become aware, to find, to discover
罚款 (fá kuǎn) Noun: fine, penalty
Verb: to fine
发射 (fā shè) Verb: to start, to fire, to launch
发行 (fā xíng) Verb: to publish, to issue, to distribute, to release
法制 (fǎ zhì) Noun: legal system
返回 (fǎn huí) Verb: to return to, to come back
繁荣 (fán róng) Adjective: flourishing, prosperous, booming
放大 (fàng dà) Verb: to enlarge, to magnify
放弃 (fàng qì) Verb: to give up
防治 (fáng zhì) Noun: prevention and cure
分成 (fēn chéng) Verb: to divide, to split
分解 (fēn jiě) Verb: to resolve, to break down, to decompose
分类 (fēn lèi) Noun: classification
分离 (fēn lí) Verb: to separate (sth. from sth.)
分析 (fēn xī) Noun: analysis
Verb: to analyse
分享 (fēn xiǎng) Verb: to share
封 (fēng) Verb: to seal, to confer
疯 (fēng) Adjective: insane, mad, wild
风度 (fēng dù) Noun: poise, grace, style
风光 (fēng guāng) Noun: scene, sight, landscape, good reputation
疯狂 (fēng kuáng) Noun: madness
Adjective: crazy, mad
丰收 (fēng shōu) Verb: to have a good harvest
扶 (fú) Verb: to help (sbd. up)
幅 (fú) Measure Word: for pictures, paintings, textiles, etc.
服从 (fú cóng) Verb: to obey, to submit
幅度 (fú dù) Noun: range, extent
附件 (fù jiàn) Noun: enclosure, attachment, appendix
福利 (fú lì) Noun: well-being, welfare
负责人 (fù zé rén) Noun: person in charge
辅助 (fǔ zhù) Noun: auxiliary
Verb: to assist


改革 (gǎi gé) Noun: reform
Verb: to reform
干脆 (gān cuì) Adjective: clear-cut, straightforward
Adverb: simply, you might as well
干扰 (gān rǎo) Noun: obstruction
Verb: to interfere, to disturb
感想 (gǎn xiǎng) Noun: impressions, reflections
干预 (gān yù) Noun: intervention
Verb: to intervene, to meddle
钢笔 (gāng bǐ) Noun: fountain pen
钢琴 (gāng qín) Noun: piano
搞 (gǎo) Verb: to do, to make
高大 (gāo dà) Adjective: tall and strong, lofty
高度 (gāo dù) Noun: height, altitude
Adjective: highly
高跟鞋 (gāo gēn xié) Noun: high-heels
搞好 (gǎo hǎo) Verb: to do a good job
高温 (gāo wēn) Noun: high temperature
高于 (gāo yú) Verb: to be greater than, to exceed
高原 (gāo yuán) Noun: plateau
隔壁 (gé bì) Location: next door
个儿 (gè er) Noun: size, stature
歌曲 (gē qǔ) Noun: song
跟前 (gēn qián) Location: in front of
跟随 (gēn suí) Verb: to follow
更换 (gēng huàn) Noun: change
Verb: to change, to exchange
更新 (gēng xīn) Verb: to replace, to renew, to update
公告 (gōng gào) Noun: announcement, bulletin
共计 (gòng jì) Noun: total
Verb: to total, to count up
公认 (gōng rèn) Verb: to be generally acknowledged
公式 (gōng shì) Noun: formula
共享 (gòng xiǎng) Verb: to share, to enjoy together
工艺 (gōng yì) Noun: arts and crafts
公正 (gōng zhèng) Noun: justice
Adjective: just, fair
工作日 (gōng zuò rì) Noun: workday
沟 (gōu) Noun: ditch, gutter, ravine
沟通 (gōu tōng) Verb: to communicate
鼓 (gǔ) Noun: drum
Verb: to drum, to strike
估计 (gū jì) Verb: to estimate
古老 (gǔ lǎo) Adjective: ancient, age-old
鼓励 (gǔ lì) Verb: to encourage, to urge
顾问 (gù wèn) Noun: adviser, consultant
鼓掌 (gǔ zhǎng) Verb: to applaud
怪 (guài) Verb: to blame
关怀 (guān huái) Noun: care, solicitude
Verb: to care for, to show solicitude for
关键 (guān jiàn) Noun: key, crucial point
冠军 (guàn jūn) Noun: champion
广 (guǎng) Adjective: wide, numerous, wide spread
广泛 (guǎng fàn) Adjective: extensive, wide ranging
光荣 (guāng róng) Noun: honour, glory
Adjective: glorious, honourable
光线 (guāng xiàn) Noun: light, lighting
鬼 (guǐ) Noun: ghost
Adjective: clever, sly
规划 (guī huà) Noun: plan, program
Verb: to plan, to work out
柜子 (guì zi) Noun: cupboard, cabinet
滚 (gǔn) Verb: to boil, to roll
锅 (guō) Noun: pot, pan
过度 (guò dù) Adjective: excessive
国籍 (guó jí) Noun: nationality, citizenship
国民 (guó mín) Noun: nationals, citizen
过敏 (guò mǐn) Noun: allergy
Verb: to be allergic
过于 (guò yú) Adverb: excessively, too much


咳 (hāi) Particle: sound of sighing
害 (hài) Verb: to harm, to cause trouble to
汗 (hàn) Noun: sweat
好运 (hǎo yùn) Noun: good luck
号召 (hào zhào) Verb: to call, to appeal
盒 (hé) Noun: small box, case
合并 (hé bìng) Verb: to merge, to unite, to incorporate
合成 (hé chéng) Noun: compound, synthesis
Verb: to compose, to constitute, to synthesize
Adjective: synthetic
盒饭 (hé fàn) Noun: packed lunch, box meal
贺卡 (hè kǎ) Noun: greeting card, congratulation card
盒子 (hé zi) Noun: box, case
恨 (hèn) Noun: hate
Verb: to hate
猴 (hóu) Noun: monkey
后悔 (hòu huǐ) Verb: to regret, to repent
虎 (hǔ) Noun: tiger
胡同儿 (hú tòng er) Noun: lane, alley, hutong
胡子 (hú zi) Noun: beard
滑 (huá) Verb: to slip, to slide
Adjective: smooth, slippery
划分 (huà fēn) Verb: to divide up, to mark off
画面 (huà miàn) Noun: scene, picture, image
化石 (huà shí) Noun: fossil
华语 (huá yǔ) Noun: Chinese language(s)
环节 (huán jié) Noun: link, segment, connection
慌 (huāng) Adjective: panicky, nervous
慌忙 (huāng máng) Adjective: hurried, hasty, in a great rush
回报 (huí bào) Noun: payback
Verb: to pay back, to requite
回避 (huí bì) Verb: to avoid, to obviate
恢复 (huī fù) Verb: to recover, to restore
回顾 (huí gù) Noun: retrospection
Verb: to review, to look back
汇款 (huì kuǎn) Noun: remittance
Verb: to remit money
灰色 (huī sè) Adjective: grey
回收 (huí shōu) Verb: to reclaim, to retrieve, to recover
会谈 (huì tán) Noun: talks, discussion
回头 (huí tóu) Verb: to turn around
Adverb: afterwards
回信 (huí xìn) Verb: to write back
回忆 (huí yì) Noun: recollection
Verb: to recall, to recollect
火柴 (huǒ chái) Noun: match (for fire)
活力 (huó lì) Noun: energy, vitality, vigour
活泼 (huó pō) Adjective: lively, vivid
或是 (huò shì) Conjunction: or
火腿 (huǒ tuǐ) Noun: ham
火灾 (huǒ zāi) Noun: fire


挤 (jǐ) Verb: to squeeze
Adjective: crowded
继承 (jì chéng) Verb: to inherit, to carry on, to succeed
基地 (jī dì) Noun: base, military base
基金 (jī jīn) Noun: fund
技能 (jì néng) Noun: skill, technical ability
机器人 (jī qì rén) Noun: robot
肌肉 (jī ròu) Noun: muscle
即使 (jí shǐ) Conjunction: even if, even though
集团 (jí tuán) Noun: group, bloc, corporation
记忆 (jì yì) Noun: memory
Verb: to remember
机制 (jī zhì) Noun: mechanism
Adjective: machine-made
夹 (jiā) Noun: clip
Verb: to clip, to put between
甲 (jiǎ) Number: first(ly)
价 (jià) Noun: price, value
加热 (jiā rè) Verb: to heat up
加上 (jiā shàng) Verb: plus, to add to, in addition
驾驶 (jià shǐ) Verb: to drive, to pilot
加速 (jiā sù) Verb: to accelerate
加以 (jiā yǐ) Verb: to deal with
Adverb: in addition, moreover
驾照 (jià zhào) Noun: driving license
肩 (jiān) Noun: shoulder
剪 (jiǎn) Verb: to cut with scissors, to trim
键 (jiàn) Noun: key (piano/computer), button
剪刀 (jiǎn dāo) Noun: scissors
坚定 (jiān dìng) Verb: to steady, to strengthen
Adjective: firm, steady, staunch
间接 (jiàn jiē) Adjective: indirect
艰苦 (jiān kǔ) Adjective: difficult, hard
艰难 (jiān nán) Noun: difficulty, hardship
Adjective: difficult, hard
键盘 (jiàn pán) Noun: keyboard
减轻 (jiǎn qīng) Verb: to ease, to alleviate
健全 (jiàn quán) Adjective: healthy, strong, robust
检验 (jiǎn yàn) Noun: test
Verb: to examine, to check, to test, to inspect
建造 (jiàn zào) Noun: construction
Verb: to construct, to build
建筑 (jiàn zhù) Noun: building, architecture
Verb: to build, to construct
剪子 (jiǎn zi) Noun: scissors
将 (jiāng) Auxiliary Verb: will, shall
奖励 (jiǎng lì) Noun: reward
Verb: to reward
将要 (jiāng yào) Auxiliary Verb: will, shall
脚步 (jiǎo bù) Noun: footstep
交代 (jiāo dài) Verb: to explain, to justify oneself, to hand over (duties), to confess
胶带 (jiāo dài) Noun: tape
郊区 (jiāo qū) Noun: suburbs
胶水 (jiāo shuǐ) Noun: glue
戒 (jiè) Noun: ring (for finger)
Verb: to guard against
届 (jiè) Verb: to become due
Measure Word: for events, meetings, etc.
接触 (jiē chù) Verb: to touch, to contact, to get in touch with
解除 (jiě chú) Noun: relief, dissolution
Verb: to relief, to remove, to dissolve
解放 (jiě fàng) Noun: liberation
Verb: to liberate, to emancipate
接连 (jiē lián) Adverb: in succession, in a row, one after another
尽管 (jǐn guǎn) Adverb: unhesitatingly
Conjunction: in spite of, although, despite
进化 (jìn huà) Noun: evolution
紧紧 (jǐn jǐn) Adjective: tight, close
尽可能 (jìn kě néng) Expression: as far as possible
近来 (jìn lái) Adverb: recently, lately
今日 (jīn rì) Time: today
经费 (jīng fèi) Noun: expenditure, regular expenses, funds
警告 (jǐng gào) Verb: to warn, to admonish
竞赛 (jìng sài) Noun: contest, competition
景象 (jǐng xiàng) Noun: scene, sight
竞争 (jìng zhēng) Noun: competition
Verb: to compete
酒鬼 (jiǔ gǔi) Noun: drunkard
救灾 (jiù zāi) Verb: to relieve disaster
剧本 (jù běn) Noun: screenplay
举动 (jǔ dòng) Noun: action, activity, movement
拒绝 (jù jué) Verb: to refuse, to decline
俱乐部 (jù lè bù) Noun: club
局面 (jú miàn) Noun: situation, aspect
居然 (jū rán) Adverb: unexpectedly
局长 (jú zhǎng) Noun: bureau chief
决不 (jué bù) Adverb: not at all
绝望 (jué wàng) Noun: desperation, hopelessness
Verb: to despair, to lose courage
军人 (jūn rén) Noun: soldier, military personnel


开幕 (kāi mù) Verb: to open (conference, etc.)
开幕式 (kāi mù shì) Noun: opening ceremony
看成 (kàn chéng) Verb: to regard as, to see sth. as
看出 (kàn chū) Verb: to make out, to see
看待 (kàn dài) Verb: to look upon, to regard
考核 (kǎo hé) Verb: to examine, to assess, to evaluate
靠近 (kào jìn) Verb: to approach
烤肉 (kǎo ròu) Noun: barbecue
烤鸭 (kǎo yā) Noun: roast duck
颗 (kē) Measure Word: for grain, pearls, teeth, stars, etc.
可 (kě) Auxiliary Verb: can, may
刻 (kè) Verb: to cut, to carve
客户 (kè hù) Noun: client, customer
可怜 (kě lián) Adjective: pitiful, poor, pathetic
客气 (kè qi) Adjective: polite
课题 (kè tí) Noun: task, topic for study/discussion
客厅 (kè tīng) Noun: living room
渴望 (kě wàng) Verb: to thirst for, to long for
可惜 (kě xī) Adjective: it is a pity, what a pity
肯定 (kěn dìng) Verb: to affirm, to confirm
Adjective: certain, definite
Adverb: certainly, definitely
控制 (kòng zhì) Noun: control
Verb: to control
空中 (kōng zhōng) Location: in the air
口号 (kǒu hào) Noun: slogan, catchphrase
库 (kù) Noun: warehouse
快活 (kuài huo) Adjective: happy, cheerful
宽度 (kuān dù) Noun: width
狂 (kuáng) Adjective: mad, wild
亏 (kuī) Noun: deficiency, deficit
困扰 (kùn rǎo) Verb: to cause complications, to disturb


落 (là) Verb: to leave out, to leave behind
来信 (lái xìn) Noun: incoming letter
Verb: to send a letter our way
烂 (làn) Verb: to rot
Adjective: rotten, mushy, soft
朗读 (lǎng dú) Verb: to read aloud
浪漫 (làng màn) Adjective: romantic
劳动 (láo dòng) Noun: work, labour
梨 (lí) Noun: pear
礼 (lǐ) Noun: etiquette, courtesy
立 (lì) Verb: to stand
礼拜 (lǐ bài) Noun: Sunday, week
立场 (lì chǎng) Noun: position, standpoint, stand
厉害 (lì hai) Adjective: awesome, terrible, strict, severe, difficult to deal with
礼貌 (lǐ mào) Noun: politeness, courtesy
利润 (lì rùn) Noun: profit
例外 (lì wài) Noun: exception
Verb: to make an exception
Adjective: exceptional
恋爱 (liàn ài) Noun: love
Verb: to be in love, to have an affair
连接 (lián jiē) Noun: link, connection
Verb: to link, to join
联络 (lián luò) Noun: communication, connection
Verb: to contact, to get in touch with
脸盆 (liǎn pén) Noun: washbowl, basin
脸色 (liǎn sè) Noun: complexion, look
联想 (lián xiǎng) Noun: association
Verb: to associate with sth.
两岸 (liǎng àn) Adjective: both sides, bilateral
邻居 (lín jū) Noun: neighbour
铃 (líng) Noun: bell
令 (lìng) Noun: order, warrant
Verb: to order, to command
领带 (lǐng dài) Noun: tie
铃声 (líng shēng) Noun: ringtone
流动 (liú dòng) Verb: to flow
流通 (liú tōng) Noun: circulation
Verb: to circulate, to flow
漏 (lòu) Verb: to leak
漏洞 (lòu dòng) Noun: leak, hole
逻辑 (luó ji) Noun: logic
落实 (luò shí) Verb: to carry out, to implement
Adjective: practical, workable


骂 (mà) Noun: abuse
Verb: to abuse, to curse
码头 (mǎ tóu) Noun: dock, pier, wharf
买卖 (mǎi mai) Noun: business, buying and selling
漫长 (màn cháng) Adjective: very long, endless
漫画 (màn huà) Noun: caricature, cartoon, manga
冒 (mào) Verb: to give off, to emit
毛笔 (máo bǐ) Noun: brush (for writing)
矛盾 (máo dùn) Noun: contradiction
Adjective: contradictory
贸易 (mào yì) Noun: trade
煤 (méi) Noun: coal
煤气 (méi qì) Noun: coal gas
门诊 (mén zhěn) Noun: outpatient service
迷人 (mí rén) Adjective: charming, fascinating
迷信 (mí xìn) Noun: superstition
面貌 (miàn mào) Noun: face, appearance
面子 (miàn zi) Noun: face, prestige
秒 (miǎo) Time: second
敏感 (mǐn gǎn) Adjective: sensitive, susceptible
明亮 (míng liàng) Noun: brightness
命令 (mìng lìng) Noun: order, command
Verb: to order, to command
明明 (míng míng) Adverb: obviously, undoubtedly
摩擦 (mó cā) Noun: friction, rubbing
Verb: to rub against
模范 (mó fàn) Noun: model, fine example
模仿 (mó fǎng) Verb: to imitate, to copy
模糊 (mó hu) Adjective: fuzzy, blurred, indistinct
模式 (mó shì) Noun: mode, pattern
摩托 (mó tuō) Noun: motor, motorbike
目光 (mù guāng) Noun: sight, view, vision
模样 (mú yàng) Noun: look, style, appearance


耐心 (nài xīn) Noun: patience
Adjective: patient
南北 (nán běi) Location: north and south
难得 (nán dé) Adjective: rare
南极 (nán jí) Noun: south pole
男性 (nán xìng) Noun: a man
Adjective: male
难以 (nán yǐ) Adverb: hard to
脑子 (nǎo zi) Noun: brain
内在 (nèi zài) Adjective: inherent, intrinsic
能量 (néng liàng) Noun: energy, capacity, ability
年度 (nián dù) Noun: year
年龄 (nián líng) Noun: age (of a person)
年前 (nián qián) Expression: ... years ago
牛 (niú) Adjective: awesome
牛仔裤 (niú zǎi kù) Noun: jeans
农产品 (nóng chǎn pǐn) Noun: agricultural produce
女性 (nǚ xìng) Noun: woman
Adjective: female
暖 (nuǎn) Adjective: warm


偶尔 (ǒu ěr) Adverb: occasionally
偶然 (ǒu rán) Adverb: accidentally, by chance
偶像 (ǒu xiàng) Noun: idol


排除 (pái chú) Verb: to eliminate, to remove, to get rid of
拍摄 (pāi shè) Verb: to film, to shoot a picture
旁 (páng) Noun: side
Adverb: beside, aside
陪 (péi) Verb: to accompany
赔 (péi) Verb: to compensate, to lose money
配备 (pèi bèi) Noun: equipment
Verb: to equip, to allocate
赔偿 (péi cháng) Noun: compensation
Verb: to compensate
配套 (pèi tào) Verb: to form a complete set
喷 (pēn) Verb: to puff, to spout, to spray, to spurt
盆 (pén) Noun: basin, tub, pot
Measure Word: for approx. 128 litres
披 (pī) Verb: to drape over one's shoulder, to crack
匹 (pǐ) Noun: ordinary person
Measure Word: for horses and cloth
皮肤 (pí fū) Noun: skin
脾气 (pí qi) Noun: temperament, temper
皮鞋 (pí xié) Noun: leather shoes
骗 (piàn) Verb: to cheat, to swindle
骗子 (piàn zi) Noun: swindler
拼 (pīn) Verb: to piece together, to stake all
品 (pǐn) Noun: article, product, goods
Verb: to sample, to taste
品 (pǐn) Noun: character, rank
频道 (pín dào) Noun: frequency, (TV) channel
频繁 (pín fán) Adverb: frequently, often
品种 (pǐn zhǒng) Noun: variety, breed
凭 (píng) Noun: proof
Verb: to rely on, to lean against
Relative Clause: according to, on the basis of
评估 (píng gū) Noun: evaluation, assessment
Verb: to evaluate, to assess
评论 (píng lùn) Noun: commentary, review
Verb: to comment on, to discuss
平坦 (píng tǎn) Adjective: flat, level, even
平原 (píng yuán) Noun: plain, field
泼 (pō) Verb: to splash, to spill
葡萄 (pú tao) Noun: grape
葡萄酒 (pú tao jiǔ) Noun: wine


其 (qí) Pronoun: his, her, it, that, etc.
起到 (qǐ dào) Verb: serve as, play a role
启动 (qǐ dòng) Verb: to start, to launch, to activate
启发 (qǐ fā) Noun: inspiration, enlightenment
Verb: to inspire, to enlighten
起码 (qǐ mǎ) Adverb: at the minimum, at least
齐全 (qí quán) Adjective: complete
启事 (qǐ shì) Noun: announcement, notice
气体 (qì tǐ) Noun: gas
期望 (qī wàng) Noun: hope, expectation
Verb: to hope, to expect
气象 (qì xiàng) Noun: meteorology
签 (qiān) Verb: to sign
欠 (qiàn) Verb: to owe
Adjective: deficient
签订 (qiān dìng) Verb: to conclude and sign
前景 (qián jǐng) Noun: prospect, perspective, foreground
签名 (qiān míng) Noun: signature
Verb: to sign
前提 (qián tí) Noun: precondition, prerequisite
签约 (qiān yuē) Verb: to sign a contract/agreement
签证 (qiān zhèng) Noun: visa
签字 (qiān zì) Verb: to sign (signature)
枪 (qiāng) Noun: gun, spear
抢 (qiǎng) Verb: to grab, to rob
墙壁 (qiáng bì) Noun: wall
强度 (qiáng dù) Noun: intensity, strength
抢救 (qiǎng jiù) Verb: to rescue, to save
强迫 (qiǎng pò) Verb: to compel, to force
敲 (qiāo) Verb: to knock
瞧 (qiáo) Verb: to look at, to see
敲门 (qiāo mén) Verb: to knock (on a door)
悄悄 (qiāo qiāo) Adverb: quietly, secretly
琴 (qín) Noun: zither, musical instrument with strings
勤奋 (qín fèn) Adjective: hardworking, diligent
青 (qīng) Adjective: blue/green
清晨 (qīng chén) Time: early morning
情节 (qíng jié) Noun: story, plot, circumstances
晴朗 (qíng lǎng) Noun: sunny, cloudless
清理 (qīng lǐ) Verb: to clean up, to put in order, to check up
情形 (qíng xíng) Noun: circumstances, situation
区域 (qū yù) Noun: area, region, district
泉 (quán) Noun: spring (water)
劝 (quàn) Verb: to advise, to persuade, to encourage
全都 (quán dōu) Adverb: all, without exception
全世界 (quán shì jiè) Adjective: worldwide
缺乏 (quē fá) Noun: shortage
Verb: to be short of, to lack
确立 (què lì) Verb: to establish
群体 (qún tǐ) Noun: group, community, colony
群众 (qún zhòng) Noun: the masses (people)


染 (rǎn) Verb: to dye
绕 (rào) Verb: to wind, to coil (around), to go around
热量 (rè liàng) Noun: heat
热门 (rè mén) Adjective: popular, in vogue
忍 (rěn) Verb: to bear, to endure
认 (rèn) Verb: to recognize, to know, to admit
忍不住 (rěn bu zhù) Verb: cannot help, unable to bear
认定 (rèn dìng) Verb: to believe firmly
人间 (rén jiān) Noun: this world
人力 (rén lì) Noun: manpower
人士 (rén shì) Noun: person, public figure
忍受 (rěn shòu) Verb: to bear, to endure
人物 (rén wù) Noun: character, protagonist
扔 (rēng) Verb: to throw (away)
仍旧 (réng jiù) Adverb: still, yet
如此 (rú cǐ) Adverb: in this way
入门 (rù mén) Noun: entrance, introduction
如同 (rú tóng) Adverb: like, as
如下 (rú xià) Adverb: as follows
软 (ruǎn) Adjective: soft
软件 (ruǎn jiàn) Noun: software


洒 (sǎ) Verb: to sprinkle, to spray
散 (sǎn) Verb: to come loose, to fall apart
散文 (sǎn wén) Noun: prose, essay
杀 (shā) Verb: to kill
傻 (shǎ) Adjective: foolish
杀毒 (shā dú) Noun: antivirus
沙漠 (shā mò) Noun: desert
扇 (shān) Verb: to fan, to instigate
扇 (shàn) Noun: fan
Measure Word: for doors, windows, etc.
山区 (shān qū) Noun: mountain area
扇子 (shàn zi) Noun: fan
商标 (shāng biāo) Noun: trademark, logo
上级 (shàng jí) Noun: higher authorities, superiors
上下 (shàng xià) Noun: up and down, top and bottom
上涨 (shàng zhǎng) Verb: to rise
稍 (shāo) Adverb: somewhat, a little bit
稍微 (shāo wēi) Adverb: a little bit
蛇 (shé) Noun: snake
社 (shè) Noun: society, club
射 (shè) Noun: shot
Verb: to shoot, to launch
舍不得 (shě bu de) Verb: reluctant to give up or let go
舍得 (shě de) Verb: to be willing to part with sth./sbd.
射击 (shè jī) Verb: to shoot, to fire (a gun)
社区 (shè qū) Noun: community
设想 (shè xiǎng) Verb: to imagine, to assume
摄像 (shè xiàng) Verb: to tape, to film
摄像机 (shè xiàng jī) Noun: camera
摄影 (shè yǐng) Verb: to take a photo, to shoot a movie
摄影师 (shè yǐng shī) Noun: photographer, cameraman
伸 (shēn) Verb: to stretch, to extend
神 (shén) Noun: god
深处 (shēn chù) Noun: abyss, depth
深度 (shēn dù) Noun: depth, profundity
神经 (shén jīng) Noun: nerve
神奇 (shén qí) Adjective: miraculous, mystical
神情 (shén qíng) Noun: look, expression, mien
声 (shēng) Noun: sound, voice, noise
Measure Word: for sounds
剩 (shèng) Verb: to remain
生成 (shēng chéng) Verb: to generate, to produce
胜负 (shèng fù) Noun: victory or defeat
升高 (shēng gāo) Verb: to raise, to ascend
剩下 (shèng xià) Verb: to remain, to be left over
拾 (shí) Verb: to pick up
Number: 10 (in banks)
式 (shì) Noun: type, form, pattern, style
时常 (shí cháng) Adverb: often, frequently
使得 (shǐ de) Verb: to cause, to make
Adjective: workable, usable
示范 (shì fàn) Noun: demonstration
Verb: to demonstrate, to show how to do sth.
师傅 (shī fu) Noun: master, teacher, used to respectfully address older men
诗歌 (shī gē) Noun: poem
时光 (shí guāng) Time: time, days
实惠 (shí huì) Noun: tangible benefit, material advantage
Adjective: advantageous
时机 (shí jī) Noun: moment of opportunity, fortunate timing
势力 (shì li) Noun: force, power, influence
视频 (shì pín) Noun: video
时事 (shí shì) Noun: current affairs, present situation
试图 (shì tú) Verb: to attempt, to try
视为 (shì wéi) Verb: to view as
失误 (shī wù) Noun: lapse, mistake, fault
十足 (shí zú) Adjective: complete, hundred percent, full of
瘦 (shòu) Adjective: thin, slim
手段 (shǒu duàn) Noun: method, means, measure
手法 (shǒu fǎ) Noun: technique, trick, skill
收购 (shōu gòu) Verb: to purchase, to acquire
收集 (shōu jí) Verb: to collect, to gather
收拾 (shōu shi) Verb: to put in order, to tidy up, to punish
寿司 (shòu sī) Noun: sushi
受灾 (shòu zāi) Verb: to be hit by a natural disaster
鼠 (shǔ) Noun: rat, mouse
鼠标 (shǔ biāo) Noun: mouse (IT)
蔬菜 (shū cài) Noun: vegetables
输出 (shū chū) Verb: to export, to output
书法 (shū fǎ) Noun: calligraphy
书柜 (shū gùi) Noun: bookcase
数目 (shù mù) Noun: number, amount, quantity
熟悉 (shú xī) Verb: to be familiar with
书桌 (shū zhuō) Noun: desk
摔 (shuāi) Verb: to fall, to throw down
摔倒 (shuāi dǎo) Verb: to fall down
率领 (shuài lǐng) Verb: to lead, to command
双手 (shuāng shǒu) Noun: both hands
水产品 (shuǐ chǎn pǐn) Noun: fish, seafood
水分 (shuǐ fèn) Noun: moisture content
水库 (shuǐ kù) Noun: reservoir
睡眠 (shuì mián) Noun: sleep
水灾 (shuǐ zāi) Noun: flood
说法 (shuō fǎ) Noun: wording, statement, argument
硕士 (shuò shì) Noun: Master's degree
私人 (sī rén) Noun: private (person)
Adjective: private
思维 (sī wéi) Noun: thought, thinking
四周 (sì zhōu) Adverb: all around
搜 (sōu) Verb: to search
搜索 (sōu suǒ) Verb: to search, to look for sth.
宿舍 (sù shè) Noun: dormitory
酸甜苦辣 (suān tián kǔ là) Expression: the joys and sorrows of life
碎 (suì) Verb: to break into pieces
Adjective: broken (into pieces)
随后 (suí hòu) Time: soon after
随意 (suí yì) Adverb: as one wishes, voluntary, random
岁月 (suì yuè) Noun: years
随着 (suí zhe) Relative Clause: along with, in the wake of
损害 (sǔn hài) Noun: harm
Verb: to damage
损失 (sǔn shī) Noun: loss, damage
Verb: to lose, to damage
锁 (suǒ) Noun: lock
Verb: to lock up
所在 (suǒ zài) Noun: place, location


抬 (tái) Verb: to lift up, to raise, to carry
台风 (tái fēng) Noun: hurricane, typhoon
太空 (tài kōng) Noun: outer space
抬头 (tái tóu) Noun: space for writing the name on checks, bills, etc.
Verb: to raise one's head
弹 (tán) Verb: to play an instrument, to pluck (string), to flick, to flip
逃 (táo) Verb: to escape, to run away, to flee
桃 (táo) Noun: peach
桃花 (táo huā) Noun: peach blossom, love affair
逃跑 (táo pǎo) Verb: to flee, to run away
桃树 (táo shù) Noun: peach tree
讨厌 (tǎo yàn) Verb: to hate
Adjective: disgusting, nasty
逃走 (táo zǒu) Verb: to escape, to flee
特定 (tè dìng) Adjective: special, specific, particular
特性 (tè xìng) Noun: characteristic
特有 (tè yǒu) Adjective: characteristic, distinctive
题材 (tí cái) Noun: subject matter, theme
提倡 (tí chàng) Verb: to promote, to advocate
体积 (tǐ jī) Noun: volume
体力 (tǐ lì) Noun: physical strength
提起 (tí qǐ) Verb: to mention, to raise, to lift up
提示 (tí shì) Verb: to prompt, to point out
天才 (tiān cái) Noun: talent, gift
Adjective: talented, gifted
天然气 (tiān rán qì) Noun: natural gas
天文 (tiān wén) Noun: astronomy
调节 (tiáo jié) Verb: to adjust, to regulate, to reconcile
调解 (tiáo jiě) Verb: to mediate, to conciliate
厅 (tīng) Noun: hall
停留 (tíng liú)